-When was he born? Find a photo of him
In April of 1564.

Where was he born? Include a map with the place
In Stratford-upon-Avon
What was his family?
John Shakespeare was a wool comerciant , lead and gloves.
Who was his wife? Include her photo
-Anne Hathaway

Did he have children?
Yes, three children
How old was he when he died?
52 years old.
Shakespeare's time
Who was the Queen and King during Shakespeare's life? Include photos
Isabel I

Eduard VI of England

What country was a great rival of England during this time?
What happened with the Spanish Armada?
Was controled by Duque of Medina Sidonia, he wanted to overthrow Isabel II.
Why was the Elisabethan era described as golden?
Because England lived a periode of a big desenvolupated economy and culture
Shakespeare's career
How many plays did he write?
Thirty eight
How many poems did he write?
Find the title in English and Catalan/Spanish of one comedy, one tragedy and one poem.
Tragedy: Romeo and Juliet/Romeo y Julieta
Comedy: As you like it/ Como a ti te guste.
Poem: Venus and Adonis/Venus y Adonis.
What is the Globe? Find a picture
The theatre where Shakespeare do his plays.

Where is the Globe? Find and copy a map of its location
In London,Westminster,W1J7, United Kingdom.

What plays are performed in the Globe this month?
Kings & Rogues (23th April - 3th October 2010).
When was the Globe first built?
In 1598.
How long did Shakespeare work there in the Globe?
He worked since 1599 to 1613, 14 years.
What was the name of his theatre company?
Lord Chamberlain's Men.
What happened to the Globe in 1644?
The thatre was closed.
Who built the Globe again and when?
Peter Street, a Master Carpenter of the City of London. In 1997.
Shakespeare's fame
His words are used today around the world.
How many words did he supposedly invent in the English language?
In which play did he say "To be or not to be. That is the question"?
Look for another famous word/quotation invented by Shakespeare and translate it into Catalan/Spanish
The world's a stage, and all men and women are merely players
El mundo es un escenario, y todos los hombres y mujeres son meros actores.
Who died on the same day as Shakespeare?
Miguel de Cervantes.
What was Shakespeare's nick?
Bard of Avon
How many films have been adapted from his work?
Ten films.
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